Friday, March 9, 2012

Pink Slime

Your internet home for trending news and events. Oh, this is so sick. As if fast food wasn't bad enough  70 % of American ground beef contains pink slime What's pink slime. Pink slime is rendered fat. Pressure treated. Centrifuged. Then processed with gaseous ammonia. To kill the germs. It's a super cheap filler. They add the pink paste to ground beef to make it more colorful. It's added to 70 % of restaurant and supermarket ground beef. And guess what. The FDA signed off on this. Pink slime is considered beef, No special label no nothing. No more ground beef for me.

trending news sick fast food ground beef pink slime rendered fat Pressure treated Centrifuged gaseous ammonia germs super cheap filler FDA .

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rush Limbaugh with Sluts & Hookers

Well well well -  Rush Limbaugh. Called Sandra Fluke a Slut. Oh yeah. She's so hot. Rush - Sandra Fluke is not a slut. You want a slut. There's lot's of sluts out there. But a Georgetown law student? Come on.

Oh and Rush also called Sandra Fluke a prostitute. Yeah, that's not what prostitutes look like. Prostitutes are a little skankier. They hang out on corners at night. They're giving out blowjobs in cars. You're not gonna find many prostitutes down at the Georgetown Law Center