Friday, August 31, 2012

West Nile Virus


The US is in the middle of it's worst outbreak of West Nile ever.

So I got to wondering where is all of this West nile anyways? On the internet I found west nile maps and stats The url is The Number one state with West Nile
by a long shot, is Texas. Texas has 733 cases. Mississippi is next with 98 cases. But Texas? West Nile is spread by mosquitos. I thought Texas was in drought. Maybe God is punishing those texas republicans. Either that or they've got a pond behind the shack. Or too many old tires out back. Illinois was fourteenth on the list with 21 cases. But I live in Chicago. The Chicago Police have a ban on mosquitos. Last night I walked over to the farmers market and not a single bite. In Chicago we don't worry about mosquitos. Getting shot yes. Mosquitos no.

West nile Virus Epidemic disease Texas Mississippi mosquitos Texas drought "God punishing" texas republicans old tires Illinois Chicago "Chicago Police" ban mosquitos farmers market "mosquito bite" attack cancer contagion contamination convulsions endemic epidemic fever flu hemorrhage illness infection inflammation, malady plague seizure sickness syndrome temperature upset vomit virus

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