Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ten Things That Might Disappear In Our Lifetime

1. The Post Office
No way
Man that's un-american
I've got envelopes
I've got stamps
I send letters
I pay bills by Mail

2. The Cheque
No way again
I've got a checkbook
I write checks
I think some tea party banker started this roumor

3. The Newspaper
Ok - This one I kind of agree with
I get most of my news from yahoo twitter or buzzfeed

4. The Book
I loaded the kindle app on my tablet
Downloaded a book
Hated it
Went out and got the book

5. The Land Line Telephone
Yep - I agree with this one
My homephone is magicjack internet phone
only 19.95 a year
And I've got my kick ass ZTE Andriod phone
Yeah - land lines are history

6. Music
Nope - I don't agree with this one
Maybe the music industry will change or die
But you can't party without tunes

7. Television
Not a chance
Programing now is better than ever
TV's are better than ever
and people are dumber than ever
so it all just fits

8. The "Things" That You Own
Well this one is kind of goofy
it's refering to data
Things are moving away to the cloud
Which is fine
Just means I can get my shit from anywhere

9. Joined Handwriting

I guess some schools no longer teach kids how to write by hand
Gotta admit if I'm writing something
Im punching some keys
Unless it's my grocery list
that I do by hand

10. Privacy

Yeah not shit
I completely agree with this one
The Goverment listens to my phone
Hackers probably have all my info from my Target card
and facebook has been weirding me out lately
They keep surveying me on place I've been months ago
How do they know that I love Sabatinos

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