Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Mr Robot Journal

Santa was good to me this year. My own copy of Elliot's journal, Red Wheelbarrow.
Inside the front cover is a note in red from Hot Carla. "It was hard for me not to burn it. The edges of the book are charred. Page 23: Elliot asks, "I wonder who's making bank on fsociety masks? Page 34: Carla inserted a page ripped from Tolstoy's Resurrection. Tolstoy writes, "A curious idea the object of revolution." Carla knows Eliot is the object of Mr Robot's insurrection. Page 78: On one side, Eliot has drawn some wheelbarrows. On the other side is a homage to Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams. Page 91: Evidence of Elliot's obsession with Carla. Page 100: Why hot Carla got arrested. Page 126: A cigarette pack with a note inside. In the end Carla is left with her Red Wheelbarrow.

epsl.91_redwheelbarrow.txt, epsl.91_redwheelbarr0w.txt, Santa,"Elliots journal", "Red Wheelbarrow", "Hot Carla", burn, "charred edges", "fsociety masks", fsociety, "Tolstoy's Resurrection", Tolstoy, revolution, "Mr Robot", insurrection,"Red Wheelbarrow", "William Carlos Williams", "cigarette pack", "sam ismail" "courtney looney"

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Love The Alexa

Contains adult language: First a bluetooth speaker arrived in the mail ... I was like, fuck, I we have any bluetooth devices ... Then an Echo Dot arrived ... I was like, great, Amazon just wants cash out of my pocket. So today we set up the Echo.  Joined it to the bluetooth speaker... Alexa play some music... Alexa play the ramones ... Alexa stop ... Loved the Alexa immediately ... I went from zero to one thousand in half a second. Amazing.

"bluetooth speaker", bluetooth, "Echo Dot", "Amazon Echo", "music player", Amazon,  ramones, "wireless speaker", "Amazon Music", Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, Alexa , Wi-Fi, "mobile hotspot"

Friday, December 23, 2016

Tesla Vs Prius

The prius gets 52 miles per gallon .. The Tesla uses energy equal to 89 miles per gallon .. The prius does zero to sixty in 12 seconds ... The Tesla does zero to sixty in 2.5 seconds ... Wow that's fast ... Yep, faster than a Lamborghini Hurricane ... The prius changed the way people think about economy cars.... The Tesla blew up what people think about electric cars .. A prius in the lot and you're like, geek squad is here ... A Tesla in the lot and you're like, who's the rockstar?

"electric vehicle", EV,"electric drive vehicle", "electric motors","traction motors", propulsion,"Audi A3 E-Tron", "Plug-in Hybrid", "Chevrolet Spark EV", "Chevy Volt", "Ford Focus Electric", "Kia Soul EV", "Mitsubishi i-MiEV", "Nissan LEAF", "Tesla Model S", "Toyota Prius", "Tesla Model 3", "Energy efficient", "the grid", "tailpipe pollutants", nuclear, hydro, solar, wind-powered"

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Yahoo Billion Man Hack

Some Red Hat Mr Robot hacker type. Made head lines with the billion man hack. I'm like great. Gotta change the yahoo password ... On my computer ... On my device ... On the mail app ... I read on and it's old news ... Happened back in 2013 ... Verizon auditors found the hack cause of the merger.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Scout Drones

I'd like a traffic scout drone for my car. With missiles to blow up the A-Holes. What? No, The drone would scout out clear roads. Scout out some babes. And then what? Shoot a missile at them? Yeah a love missile. Moron. 


Monday, December 12, 2016

Coffee Vs Water

You should drink eight glasses of water a day. I drink coffee. Coffee is a diuritic. I don't just eat the beans. I brew coffee with water. That water doesn't count. I also drink tea. Tea has pesticides. Eight glasses of water. And I drink milk .... Milk is bad for you bones. Drink water .... I've got to pee ... Geez, I thought he'd never leave ...

"good health",myth,"Health benefits",water,"eight glasses of water","toxin flush","vital organs",dehydration,perspiration,urine,"bowel movements","health myth",science,"medical myths"

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Polar Vortex

Rising ocean temperatures exacerbate the polar vortex. The oceans heat up and melt the Arctic ice. Well I'm glad when the forecast is cold in the winter. Warm air is released. Everything is not coming to an end. The polar air is destabilized. Well it's supposed to be cold in the winter. It's a perpetual polar vortex is unleashed. But it give's me hope that our planet is not gonna burst into flames. It's the end of us all.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Cold Doesn't Cause a Cold

Catching a chill does not cause a cold. Yesterday, after her pedicure my wife walked home thru snow in flip flops. Today she has a cold. She had previously been exposed to a virus. The cold minimized her immune system's ability to fight the virus. She caught a chill and caught a cold. But the cold was caused by a virus. How do I turn you off? You're getting germs on that remote. Idiot.

"Catching a chill",pedicure,"flip flops",virus,"immune system","viral infectious disease","upper respiratory tract",nose,throat,sinuses,coughing,sore throat, runny nose,sneezing,headache,fever,pneumonia,"hand washing"

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Does bottled water expire?

Does Bottled Water Expire? Of course not. It's water. Well turns out it does ..
There's no expiration date on water! Turns out it's the bottle ... Let me see that ... Leachs chemicals into the water. I told you water doesn't expire ...
Idiot ...No, you're an idiot ... What ever ...

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hypermule - Hypermile

I was googling hypermile. Came up hypermule. I am a Hypermiler. I drive like I don't have any brakes. I take it easy on the gas pedal. And when there's are red light ahead. I take my foot off of the gas. My tire pressure is good. I use my gas card when I buy groceries and get a discount at the pump.

googling, eMule, hypermule, linux, "P2P File Sharing", Hypermiler,hypermile,brakes,"gas pedal","red light","tire pressure","gas card", groceries,discount,pump,"fuel economy",mpg,"gas mileage"

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Windows 10 Tweaks Photoshop & Premiere

I got tired of the blue screens on my old 32 bit Vista hag. So I hooked up with a new Windows 10 beauty. Her start menu needed some tweaking. The Microsoft Edge tile, just a worse version of the bad explorer browser. The Cortana tile, another annoying talking assistant. And Windows Feedback, she doesn’t care what I think. Windows 10 wouldn't let me install my old 32 bit Adobe Premiere.
She wanted the new 64 bit versions of both Premiere and PhotoShop. Gotta keep her happy.


"blue screen","32 bit Vista",vista,"Windows 10","start menu",tweaking,"Microsoft Edge","internet explorer",browser,Cortana,"Windows Feedback","32 bit","Adobe Premiere","64 bit",Premiere,PhotoShop,OS,"Operating System","video editing"

Monday, November 28, 2016

Chernobyl Solar

Ukraine's Chernobyl stands to go from. From Nuclear Wasteland to independant Solar state. Putin has used Gazprom to economically extort ukraine. Ukraine has turned to China. To turn the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Into a solar production zone. Now that is making a silk purse, out of a sow's ear.


Ukraine,Chernobyl,"Nuclear Wasteland","independant Solar state",Putin,Gazprom,"economically extort",China,"Chernobyl exclusion zone","solar production zone","silk purse out of a sow's ear",
Fallout,"Silk Purse","sow's ear"

Thursday, November 17, 2016

MS Linux Mr Robot Science

Satya Nadella and Microsoft have joined the Linux Foundation. Fifteen years ago microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer called Linux a cancer. Times change. Satya Nadella now runs microsoft. Steve Ballmer now owns the LA Clippers. And the Mr Robot cybersecurity crowd is skipping for joy. Morphing at night into vigilante hackers. Underground groups conspire to bring down thier corporate masters. And the Fermi Linux clones with their scientific open source laugh out loud. University and science cooperatives would never kneel to Bill Gates. Perhaps the science geeks will sit with Satya Nadella. Namaste.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Expressway Shootings

Chicago highways are becoming more dangerous. And it's not because of traffic accidents. It's because of highway shootings. There was a shooting on the Eisenhower last night. Seems like a weekly event these days.
Most of the shootings spill over from violence in the neighborhoods. Violent neighborhood, violent expressway. Not surprising, the Dan Ryan on the south side. And Eisenhower on the west side. Have the highest reported shooting rates. Most of the shootings happen overnight. Yesterdays shooting happened at 3 in the afternoon. You think rush hour is bad. Try closing down an expressway for three hours.

Expressway shootings are road rage on steroids. I've been working on my driving courtesy. I try not to focus on any one idiot. I yield to merging cars. And I slow down and disengage when necessary. I sure don't want any body shooting at me.


Chicago,highways,"traffic accident","highway shootings","Expressway shootings",Eisenhower,shootings,violence,"Violent neighborhood","violent expressway","Dan Ryan","south side","west side","shooting rates","overnight","rush hour","road rage",steroids,"driving courtesy",idiot,yield,"merging cars",disengage,NRA,"gun control","second amendment",guns,bullets,ammo,"assault weapon"

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Good Clown vs Bad Clown

It's Good Clown vs Bad Clown. Bozo the clown on tv - good clown. Pennywise lurking for some free hugs - bad clown. At the Barnum & Bailey circus, good clown. John Wayne Gacy as Pogo at your kid's party, bad clown. At a kids party with a balloon - good clown. Menancing at the halloween parade - well he's pretty creepy - bad clown. Sexy girl clowns - well they're just hot.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Space Travel

Space Travel

A trip to Mars? Let's go. Your spaceship is too slow. Not with NASA's new, purely solar, electromagnetic thruster. Theoretically an EM Drive could propel us to the moon in four hours. To mars in just 70 days. Never mind Newton's third law. Beam me up Scotty.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hydrogen Cars 101

Hydrogen is the most abundant substance in the Universe. Fuel cells can power you car by converting Hydrogen into electricity. Fuel cell vehicles - FCV's - don't emit green house gases. Emissions from an FCV's are oxygen and water. A hydrogen powered Toyota Mirai is expensive at $58,000 dollars. My Scion is paid for. It costs fifteen cents per mile to power a hydrogen car. Driving my XB costs me seven cents per mile. That's like half as much. And I can fill my tank at the corner.
The closest Hydrogen station is 663 miles away. In Graniteville South Carolina. Road Trip.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Leaf Blowers - The Devil's Hair Dryer

The autumn sunrise. Fall colors. The golden season in all of it's glory. Trees shedding their leaves as they prepare for winter. I'm sorry what did you say? Speak up. Can't hear you over the leaf blower. It's called the Devil's Hair Dryer. And in the fall the landscape crews are everywhere. So if you thought you were going to sleep late. Think again.


autumn, sunrise,"Fall colors","golden season",Trees,leaves,winter,"leaf blower","two stroke"."Devil's Hair Dryer",landscape,crews,"sleep late","noise pollution",noise,disturbance,trouble,distress,worry,upset,agitation,silence,"lack of sleep"

Friday, November 4, 2016

Cubs World Series Parade

Cleveland, the Red Sox, the White sox all took their time. But the Cubs have waited 71 years to get back to the World Series. Over a century since they won it.

Till now.

"World Series Parade","Joe Maddon","Rahm Emanuel",Cubs,"Jake Arrieta","Wrigley Field",Baseball,"Tom Rickets","Let's go cubbies","Let's go Cubs","Theo Epstein","Anthony Rizzo","John Lackey",Kris Byant","Ben Zobrist,Victory,Chicago

Thursday, November 3, 2016

My three favorite books that I read this past year.

Over the past year, I have checked fifteen books out of the library. Three books I bailed on. Twelve I read, And of the twelve, three books stood out.

The first book: The Risen: A novel of Spartacus, by David Anthony Durham.
Spartacus and his revolt battle to topple Rome.The horrors of war. Gladiators Kill. Children leave childish things, and the gods reap the souls of those who rose but then fell.

The second book: The Long Goodbye: by Raymond Chandler

Hard boiled 50's LA crime story. Alcoholism, scars of war, and the
superficiality of the City of Angels.

And the third book: Friday night lights: A town, a team, and a dream, by HG Bassinger.

Odessa Texas. Small town America in all of it's glory & all of it's shame.
Focused through the lense of high school football.

Monday, October 31, 2016