Tuesday, February 21, 2012

300 Million Year Old Forest

A 300 million year old fossilized forest has been found by miners in northern China. The forest was buried in a Pompei like volcanic eruption. Archeologist have unearthed intact specimines of 300 million year old fossilized trees. The trees are said to be very well preserved. Since the earths climate 300 million years ago was similar  to today's. Comparing the fossil record with that of modern flora and fauna. Provides an insite into the earth's climate cycles.

To give you an idea of how old 300 Million is: The earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago. Single cell organism's formed 3.8 billion years ago, hotosynthesis first occured 3 billion years ago. Simple animals first appeared 600 million years ago. Fish first appeared 500 million years ago Plants appeared 475 million years ago. 300 million years ago when the volcano errupted. Reptiles were just starting to walk on land. 65 million years ago the dinosaurs died out. 2.5 million years ago cavemen appeared. 200,000 years ago modern humans appeared. And a little over 2000 years ago christ died for our sins.

300 Million Year Old Forest fossilized forest China volcanic eruption fossilized trees flora fauna Single cell organism Photosynthesis animals Plants volcano Reptiles dinosaurs cavemen modern humans christ died for our sins jesus

Monday, February 20, 2012

Avalanche Airbag - Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday

In Washington state three skiers got killed in an Avalanche. One lady didn't get killed. Cause she was wearing an Avalanche Airbag. So I got to thinking, why doesn't every skier wear an Airbag? Maybe they are too expensive. Hey. I could start an airbag rental store. But then I live in Chicago. Not many Avalanche's here.

Tommorrow is Fat Tuesday. Concluding the Mardi Gras season. Which includes weeks of parades. Balls. Beads. and Parties. After Mardi Gras people can hunker down for Lent.

"Avalanche Airbag" Avalanche Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday Washington state skiers killed Avalanche Chicago Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras parades Balls Beads Parties Lent

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chink in the Armour is Rascist - RIP Madonna

Trending on Twitter, Ooooohhhhh. Somebody at ESPN is gonna get fired. Last night ESPN turned the Jeremy Lin story racist. The knicks finally lost one with Jeremy Lin. And what headline does ESPN post online? There is a Chink in the Armour. Dude. Really? You think you can call an Asian man a Chink?

Also trending on Twitter.Are you ready to rummmmmble? Rrrraaawwww. There's an online catfight going on. Lady Gaga fans are tweeting RIP Modonna. Maybe they're upset cause Modonna got all of the attention at the superbowl.And lady Gaga got nada at the grammies. Anyway. Gotta love a good catfight.

Trending Twitter ESPN racist fired Jeremy Lin story knicks Chink in the Armour Asian man Chink catfight Lady Gaga RIP Modonna superbowl nada grammies

Friday, February 17, 2012

Replace Film Titles With Vagina - Ghost Rider

Yep trending on Twitter morning is replace film title with vagina. Oh this one is freaking hilarious. So here goes. My big fat greek vagina. 
Terminator - Rise of the vagina. Charlie and the Chocolate vagina. The old Clint Eastwood movie: A Fist Full of - vagina. Edward Vaginahands. 

Ghost Rider - Spirit of Vengeneance opens this weekend. The Tomatometer at Rotten Tomatoes is at 10%. Yahoo User Reviews trend toward Bad. And I usually trust yahoo users more than critics. Ok so I like the first Ghost Rider movie. This one I think I wait for it on Netflix. So thanks for stopping by.


Replace Film Titles With Vagina Ghost Rider #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina Twitter hilarious My big fat greek wedding Terminator Rise of the Machines Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  A Fist Full of Dollars Edward Scissorhands Spirit of Vengeneance Tomatometer Rotten Tomatoes Yahoo Netflix

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Heart Attack Grill - Daytona 500

A man suffered a heart attack at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas. He was chowing down a 6,000-calorie Triple Bypass Burger. The owner of the place refers 
to himself as Doctor. His servers are called nurses. Customers are refered to as patients. Orders are prescriptions. Maybe the cook is called the mortician!

This time of year sucks. Football is over. I don't watch college hoops. Pro basket ball heats up and the bulls are doing good.But it's not football. Nascar starts this weekend with the Daytona 500. Yawn. Not.

Heart Attack Grill Daytona 500 las vegas Triple Bypass Burger Doctor nurses patients prescriptions mortician sucks Football college hoops Pro basketball the bulls Nascar Daytona 500 cheeseburgers

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Swimsuit - Valentines Day

The Sports Illustrated cover girl was announced today in New York. Her name is Kate Upton. Looks like it's a little chilly out there. Oh come on. She doesn't need that jacket!

This is a great valentines day. Cause I'm single. And believe me. This is by design. When I can do it. I take this time off from dating. Cause let's face it.Guys hate Valentines day. I'm sitting pretty. No flowers to buy. No chocolates to wrap. Yep. Pause. I'm so loney!


Sports Illustrated cover girl New York Kate Upton valentines day single dating Guys hate flowers chocolates

Jeremy Lin - Shakira Sea Lion

It's Linsane. It's Linsanity.Jeremy Lin is an overnight sensation. In Taiwan they are crazy for him. They're packing the bars at 8 in the morning to see him play. He's asian American. Grew up in North Carolina. Played college ball at Harvard, so he's pretty smart. He's a gym rat. He was dropped by both golden state and houston. before being picked up by the Knicks. Where he sat on the bench. Until the knicks coach said why not. And he put him in. Since then he's been on fire. He's averaged 27 points and 11 assists in the last 6 games. Those numbers are lincredibly good. The Knicks has been a Lincrease in attention. I think I'm getting Lindigestion.

Shakira was on vacation in South Africa. While visiting the ocean she came upon a group of Sea Lions. She tought they were cute. So she decided to go pet one. Not a good idea. She got about a foot away. When mama sealion shot out of the ocean and snapped our tourist. Shakira claims the sealion mistook her Blackberry for fish food. Ok hold on. Since when do blackberrys look like a fish? Shakira is a rock star. What's she doing with a Blackberry? Should'nt she have an iPhone? 

Jeremy Lin Shakira Sea Lion Vlog Vlogmoskow Linsane Linsanity Taiwan asian North Carolina Harvard gym rat Knicks lincredibly Lincrease Lindigestion Shakira South Africa Sea Lions cute ocean fish blackberry iPhone

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Adele - Pinterest

Before the Grammy's people would mention Adele. And, I'd be like who? You know, Adele? And, I'd be like who? So last night I watched the Grammys. And Adelle was on. And guess what? I've heard her on the radio. And that's one of those songs that you hum along with.

The Pinterest website. Oh my god. This is the best website. I'm a Pinterest junky. I've been pinning, creating boards. Repinning. Oh it's freaking amazing. But then I'm kind of a visual guy by nature. Let's see. I've got a YouTube board. A Chicago board. A hair board, don't ask. I've got a I work at a Tent Company board. And oh man, girls are repinning the tent pictures to the Wedding Boards like crazy. I've got a Rock and Roll board. An actors board. A food board and a Tattoo board. I must be forgeting something. Any way. When you first start up they want me to use the book mark pin deal. That didn't work at all. So I went to the Google app store and found an app that worked. Some people might not get past the config. It requires a little bit of configuration but it's worth it. So go out log onto Pinterest, NOW!  Wow it's that cool. 

Adele Pinterest Grammy's Pinterest website junky pinning boards Repinning YouTube board Tent Company girls Wedding Boards Rock and Roll actors Tattoo pinning

