Thursday, February 2, 2012

So this guy tries to sell Barack Obama's old car on Ebay for a million dollars. A Million dollars for a used chrysler 300. Guess what? No bids. Ya think? Ok - It's Groundhog Day! Punxsatawney Pete saw his shadow. We've got six more weeks of winter. This year six weeks of this winter is like six weeks of spring. This morning driving to work I saw a guy on the with shorts on. This is the lightest winter I ever remember. Remember last year. Groundhog day was the day of the big blizzard. What a difference a year makes. Angelo Dundee died. Angelo was the corner man for Muhamad Ali  Sugar Ray Leonard And George Foreman. Rest in peace Angelo We've go the superbowl this weekend. Lot's of people at the office are going with the Giants. Me I'm going with the Patriots. I'm doing up a pizza for the game. So I heat the oven. Thaw the pizza in the micro wave. Heat up my frying pan on the range. Throw in a little olive oil. And a little sea salt. I put thawed pizza in the hot pan and into the oven. Mmm  - I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. 

Barack Obama's car Ebay chrysler 300 Groundhog Day Punxsatawney Phil blizzard Angelo Dundee Muhamad Ali Sugar Ray Leonard George Foreman superbowl NY Giants New England Patriots pizza oven micro wave frying pan range olive oil sea salt hungry food football boxing legend

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