Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chink in the Armour is Rascist - RIP Madonna

Trending on Twitter, Ooooohhhhh. Somebody at ESPN is gonna get fired. Last night ESPN turned the Jeremy Lin story racist. The knicks finally lost one with Jeremy Lin. And what headline does ESPN post online? There is a Chink in the Armour. Dude. Really? You think you can call an Asian man a Chink?

Also trending on Twitter.Are you ready to rummmmmble? Rrrraaawwww. There's an online catfight going on. Lady Gaga fans are tweeting RIP Modonna. Maybe they're upset cause Modonna got all of the attention at the superbowl.And lady Gaga got nada at the grammies. Anyway. Gotta love a good catfight.

Trending Twitter ESPN racist fired Jeremy Lin story knicks Chink in the Armour Asian man Chink catfight Lady Gaga RIP Modonna superbowl nada grammies

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