Tuesday, February 21, 2012

300 Million Year Old Forest

A 300 million year old fossilized forest has been found by miners in northern China. The forest was buried in a Pompei like volcanic eruption. Archeologist have unearthed intact specimines of 300 million year old fossilized trees. The trees are said to be very well preserved. Since the earths climate 300 million years ago was similar  to today's. Comparing the fossil record with that of modern flora and fauna. Provides an insite into the earth's climate cycles.

To give you an idea of how old 300 Million is: The earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago. Single cell organism's formed 3.8 billion years ago, hotosynthesis first occured 3 billion years ago. Simple animals first appeared 600 million years ago. Fish first appeared 500 million years ago Plants appeared 475 million years ago. 300 million years ago when the volcano errupted. Reptiles were just starting to walk on land. 65 million years ago the dinosaurs died out. 2.5 million years ago cavemen appeared. 200,000 years ago modern humans appeared. And a little over 2000 years ago christ died for our sins.

300 Million Year Old Forest fossilized forest China volcanic eruption fossilized trees flora fauna Single cell organism Photosynthesis animals Plants volcano Reptiles dinosaurs cavemen modern humans christ died for our sins jesus

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