Friday, February 10, 2012

Santorum Pro Steroids - $16 House - Purple Squirrel - Valentines Day

Rick Santorum is pro steroids in professional wrestling. Because professional wrestling is not an "actual sport". What's next? Santorum will say he's pro crack cuz crackheads aren't "actual people." He'll be pro hydro carbon because climate change isn't "actually real". Oh wait a minute. He is pro hydro carbon. 

For the past eight months ex marine Kenneth Robinson has been living the dream. And for cheap. Sixteen dollars. Sixteen dollars is all it took to file an 
“affidavit of adverse possession”. It allowed him to move into a foreclosed property in an upscale suburban town. He was in as long as he kept up the 
maintainence, paid tax bills and association fees. And it's all on his website, Well this week a judge gave Robinson until Feb. 13 to appeal or move out. He quietly slipped out before sunrise on Monday morning. He could be heard laughing as he drove away.A Bank of America rep is quoted as 
saying. That's not funny.

First we had the Purple Calf Milka. Born in a small villiage in Serbia. Now from Jersey Shore Penn. we've got a purple squirrel. He's even got his own Facebook page. What's next? How about purple roses for Valentines day? 

Santorum Pro Steroids $16 House Purple Squirrel Valentines Day Rick Santorum pro steroids professional wrestling pro crack crackheads pro hydro carbon climate change marine Kenneth Robinson “affidavit of adverse possession” foreclosed property sunrise Bank of America Purple Cow Purple Calf Milka Serbia purple squirrel Facebook page purple roses valentines day

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