Monday, February 20, 2012

Avalanche Airbag - Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday

In Washington state three skiers got killed in an Avalanche. One lady didn't get killed. Cause she was wearing an Avalanche Airbag. So I got to thinking, why doesn't every skier wear an Airbag? Maybe they are too expensive. Hey. I could start an airbag rental store. But then I live in Chicago. Not many Avalanche's here.

Tommorrow is Fat Tuesday. Concluding the Mardi Gras season. Which includes weeks of parades. Balls. Beads. and Parties. After Mardi Gras people can hunker down for Lent.

"Avalanche Airbag" Avalanche Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday Washington state skiers killed Avalanche Chicago Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras parades Balls Beads Parties Lent

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